A Versatile Blogger

Fortune comes not singly but in multitude this week, as I’ve been nominated twice, by Nice Piece of Work and by A.K Andrew, two of my blogging buddies, for the Versatile Blogger Award.  Thank you Jill and Kathy!

So, in accordance with the rules of the game, I’ve to tell you seven things about myself and to nominate blogs I enjoy.


1. I like red shoes and bags…..and coats and jackets (and even a kitchen, once); not in an obsessive way (really!), but usually, if red is an option, that’s the one I’ll have.

2. I’d sooner watch a repeat of  police procedural or a thriller on the television than a new soap, and loathe anything involving phone ins or vox pop and most reality telly.

3. I read a lot of contemporary fiction, and this term I’ve been doing an evening class in Terrorism in Contemporary Literature.  I’ve not written any reviews of the novels I’ve read for it in case I decide to write the essay for the course, but a decision on that is imminent and then I’ve a stock of opinions to share.

4. Of the tracks on my iPod, the most highly represented artists are Mary Chapin Carpenter and REM.  I suspect the only thing they have in common is my liking of them; unless you can see a similarity.

5. I don’t like milk in anything.  I take my tea and coffee black and don’t use milk for anything else much except for porridge in the winter time.  Friends who like milk in their hot drinks know to check in advance that I have milk in the house, or to bring it with them.

6. I listen to the radio both first thing in the morning to wake me up, and last thing at night to lull me to sleep.  Sometimes I can’t tell the difference and it has the opposite of the desired effect.  I like the sound of the Radio 4 voice; somehow, even randomly spinning the dial, I can immediately identify it and feel at home.

7. My favourite form of socialising is over a meal, and I like most types of food (honey and citrus fruit aside), but for the very special occasion, and a real feeling of luxury and fun, I’d go for a towering plateau of fruits de mer and a crisp white wine served so cold that condensation forms on the outside of the glass, to share with someone who enjoys them as much as I do.

And now to hand the accolade on to these bloggers whom I read and enjoy.  I think many of them are already award winning, but that’s even more reason to pop by and visit them.

Life and Art – Gillian,  my very first blogging buddy

Voula Grand

Poet on the Rocks

Kim Moore Poet

Jacqui Lofthouse – The Writing Coach

The Wanderlust Gene


Cecile’s Writers

Catherine, Caffeinated 

50 Year Project

The Bright Old Oak

Nina’s Writing Sanctuary (OK,  I just know Nina will start posting something here soon!!)

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  1. onlinefunland

     /  June 17, 2012

    Congratulations !

  2. Rowena, we can celebrate your nomination any time you’d like. Just let me know the date, I’ll be right there! Sauvignon blanc ok with you? If not, that’s fine, but I’d rather not have a wooded chardonnay if you don’t mind. In any case, it wouldn’t go with our shellfish!
    I’m dumbfounded – CONGRATULATIONS! Best wishes and thank you. I’ll go immediately to look at the blogs of my fellow nominees, but it might take me a little longer to get to the acceptance speech:)

  3. A.k.andrew

     /  June 17, 2012

    Hey Rowena- congratulations on both awards!
    Life is full of coincidence & synchronicity , but what are the chances in they same week eh?
    Enjoyed your 7 things about yourself- I could totally relate to the lulling familiar voice of R4. I often use it to go to sleep. Childhood habits I think.

    • It was a very happy coincidence, indeed. Thank you for the nomination, Kathy. I think it would be the greatest of luxuries to have someone reading to me whenever I want it. In the meantime I make do with R4 and podcasts!

  4. Richard

     /  June 17, 2012

    Hi Rowena
    Can you change Nina’s link on your blog to http://www.writingsanctuary.co.uk please. – Richard X X

    • Hi Richard. I’ve changed it. Sorry if I caused a problem – I did a simple copy paste, even though the address did look unusual…..

  5. margaret

     /  June 17, 2012


  6. Thanks Rowena – and congratulations! Thanks for nominating me, I really appreciate that. Will get on to this in the week…. x


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